Programs & Ministries

Prayer Warriors gather Thursday at
10:00 A.M. in the Social Hall

Our dedicated group offers intercessory prayers especially for the health and well-being of family and friends of St Paul’s, often extending to national and worldwide concerns.

Our round table discussions are supportive and therapeutic, informative and instructional, and absolutely confidential, and have brought us closer to God and each other. We are strengthened by God’s word and the amazing power of prayer.

Everyone is welcome!

We feed the homeless through the
Interfaith Mission on the l
Thursday of each month

Any Questions call
Pam or Bob Gentile

Cell phone  302-423-7880

Items needed for Code Purple
in the Winter

Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, breakfast bars, juice mixes, food for bagged lunches[tuna with snap off lids ramen noodles in a cup, peanut butter crackers] socks, hoodies, toiletry items [Motel sizes are perfect] 

Items will be collected on Sundays.

St. Paul's
Nature Preschool

Director: Monica Morrell

Church/school liaison Arnie Morris

Phone: 302-697-7904

Facebook: St Paul’s Nature School

Monica Morrell and St Paul’s Church provide a unique child-led, play-based environment with a nature focus for children aged 3-5.  Monica’s love for the natural world and passion for working with young children combine to offer an affordable program within the church’s outdoor playground.  Discovery and exploration is outside in all weather.  We are not an academically based program; rather through discovery, exploration and play, development blooms through social, emotional, physical, and cognitive growth.  SPNP is fully not-for-profit and functions as an independent outreach program of St Paul’s Church.  Teacher salaries are paid through tuition only.  

Key Offerings:

  • 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. T/Th: $190/month
  • 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. M/W/F: $240/month
  • 5 day option available
  • Family field trips to local parks and within the community  
  • Combined-age groups,  3-5 years 
  • Trained, educated and certified teacher’s aide
  • 11:2 student-teacher ratio
  • School calendar mirrors local school district

For more information, please phone the church office, or visit our facebook page

The 2-day class begins, Thursday, September 9.  

The 3-day class begins, Friday, September 10.

We will meet outside, with all Covid precautions in place.

Currently taking applications for a waiting list.  

For registration information, please call above number or contact Monica Morrell at

Providing a tranquil, peaceful time to reflect.

Keeping our loved ones memory alive.